Director of Supervision
Western Region
How does your experience and background contribute to your success at NCUA?
My education in accounting, business, and economics, in addition to my financial institution management experience, provided me with a strong background for working at the NCUA and led to promotions at the agency.
The NCUA offers many opportunities for advancement. Early in my career, I started out as a credit union examiner. I worked my way up to become a principal examiner, supervisory examiner and now I am the director of supervision in the NCUA’s Western Region.
To whom would you recommend working at the NCUA?
I recommend anyone who is looking for a challenging and satisfying career with opportunities to travel for both work and training opportunities. No day is ever the same. As the director of supervision in the Tempe, Arizona, regional office, I experience new challenges every day when dealing with the supervision and oversight of the region’s credit unions.
How would you describe the professional development and training you have received?
Good. I completed the NCUA’s Management Development Program, which provided me with numerous advancement opportunities. Also, as one of the initial members of the agency’s Diversity Advisory Council, I am proud to have been a part of the NCUA’s efforts to become a more diverse and inclusive agency.