ALEXANDRIA, Va. (June 11, 2019) – Buying a home can be confusing, so the National Credit Union Administration has created a new video that makes the process easier to understand.
The NCUA video, This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. Understanding the Basics of Obtaining a Home Mortgage (Opens new window) , guides potential homebuyers through the steps of shopping for the right mortgage loan and what to expect during the home buying process.
“An educated consumer is a smarter homebuyer,” NCUA Chairman Rodney E. Hood said. “Knowing what to expect in the process helps give people the confidence they need to make financial decisions for themselves. I encourage credit unions to add these resources to their educational outreach to members.”
The video is part of the agency’s digital campaign for National Homeownership Month. Throughout the month, the NCUA will regularly post home buying tips and resources on its This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. Facebook (Opens new window) and This is an external link to a website belonging to another federal agency, private organization, or commercial entity. Twitter (Opens new window) sites that credit unions, their members, and consumers in general can use and share.
Consumers can also get basic homeownership information (Opens new window) on finding the right home (Opens new window) , buying a home (Opens new window) , and owning a home (Opens new window) on the agency’s consumer site, All resources are available in Spanish (Opens new window) .