ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Jan. 4, 2021) – The National Credit Union Administration Board unanimously approved, by notation vote, a request for information (Opens new window) seeking comments and information on the NCUA’s communication methods to promote efficiency and increase transparency.
“This request for information seeks public input on how the agency can streamline and improve its communications with our stakeholders. Outdated or duplicative regulatory and supervisory information adds to the overall regulatory burden of credit unions as they must devote time and resources to sorting through this information,” NCUA Chairman Rodney E. Hood said. “We recognize that the amount of information the NCUA provides to credit unions can create challenges and may impose unintended burdens. This request for information addresses this concern and continues my mission to ensure NCUA’s regulation of credit unions is effective, not excessive.”
Specifically, the request for information seeks public input on how the agency can maximize efficiency and minimize burdens associated with obtaining information on federal laws, regulations, policies, guidance, and other materials relevant to federally insured credit unions. It contains questions about the effectiveness of press releases, social media content, and the timing and frequency of agency communications. There are also questions related to improving the agency’s websites, online data resources, and the delivery and format of supervisory guidance.
Comments on this request for information (Opens new window) will be accepted for 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.