1. 12 U.S.C. 1782(h)(2)
2. A five-year horizon (beginning at yearend 2017) was used to cover the cycle of an economic downturn and the life of the NGN program. Additionally, it aligns with NCUA’s strategic planning horizon, which is consistent with government-wide guidelines.
3. Supervisory Scenarios for Annual Stress Test Required under the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Testing Rules and the Capital Plan Rule, February 10, 2017.
4. The interest rate inputs used were provided by Macroeconomic Advisers, LLC (April 2017). These inputs were used for two reasons: (1) the Federal Reserve scenarios do not provide the yield on the seven-year Treasury note, which NCUA uses in the stress scenarios. Macroeconomic Advisers uses its proprietary model to extend the Federal Reserve scenarios to a wider array of economic variables, including the full yield curve. (2) Macroeconomic Advisers advances the beginning of the Federal Reserve scenarios to the second quarter of 2017, rather than beginning in the first quarter. This was necessary because, when conducing analysis of the Share Insurance Fund, first quarter data was already known. Macroeconomic Advisers scenarios match the Federal Reserve scenarios for variables provided by the Federal Reserve, but the timing is advanced on quarter into the future relative to the published Federal Reserve scenarios, so that the Adverse and Severely Adverse shocks begin in the second quarter of 2017. Using these scenarios allows NCUA to implement the full effects of the downturn scenarios developed by the Federal Reserve.
5. The Board must consider retaining this equity now, because as the equity ratio declines, the Board would be unable to replenish the equity through premium assessments as long as the equity ratio remains above 1.30 percent, per the Act. 12 U.S.C. § 1782(c)(2)(B).
6. The projected rebate range are shown on an undiscounted basis to align with actual amounts projected.
7. 12 U.S.C. 1782(h)(4) and (c)(2)