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Financial Literacy & Education Resource Center

financial education

Under the Federal Credit Union Act, credit unions were organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its members and creating a source of credit for provident or productive purposes. While credit unions serve the needs of their members and promote financial literacy within the communities they serve, the NCUA works to reinforce credit union efforts, raise consumer awareness and increase access to credit union services. The NCUA also participates in national financial literacy initiatives, including the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, an interagency group created by Congress to improve the nation’s financial literacy and education.

The financial literacy and education resources below may help credit unions promote financial literacy to assist their members with making smarter financial decisions. If you have any questions about the NCUA’s financial literacy and outreach programs, contact the NCUA’s Office of Consumer Financial Protection by phone at 703.518.1140 or by email at

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