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Letters to Credit Unions and Other Guidance

From time to time, the NCUA will provide guidance and other information to the credit union system on regulatory and supervisory matters, trends affecting federally insured credit unions and potential risks and threats.

  • Letters to Credit Unions — Provide guidance on specific NCUA policies and procedures, compliance, governance, and other timely issues that affect all federally insured credit unions.
  • Letters to Federal Credit Unions — Provide guidance on specific NCUA policies and procedures, compliance, governance, and other timely issues that affect only credit unions with a federal charter.
  • Risk Alerts — Detail practices or external threats that potentially are a significant risk to the safety and soundness of the credit union system.
  • Regulatory Alerts — Provide guidance on rules and regulations from other agencies that all credit unions must comply with.
  • Supervisory Letters — Provide the NCUA’s examiners with instructions and information on a range of supervisory and regulatory issues.
  • Accounting Bulletins — Provide guidance and instructions on how changes in generally accepted accounting principles and other regulatory initiatives affect how credit unions report these items in their financial statements.
  • Consumer Financial Protection Updates — Announce new activity on consumer compliance laws, regulations and guidance.
  • Letters to Corporate Credit Unions — Provide guidance letters to inform corporate credit unions about specific NCUA policies and procedures, compliance, governance, and other timely issues.

You can search these regulatory letters going back to 1979 by document type, the year issued, by subject and by title or keywords. Please note that obsolete letters are not included.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Docket # Title Subject Type Year Status
23-CU-07 Cyber Incident Notification Requirements Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 2023 Active
21-CU-15 Automated Cybersecurity Evaluation Toolbox Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 2021 Active
06-CU-07 IT Security Compliance Guide for Credit Unions Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 2006 Active
03-CU-14 Computer Software Patch Management Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 2003 Active
91-CU-122 NCUA Reviews of EDP Vendors Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 1991 Active
89-CU-109 Information Processing Issues Cybersecurity Letters to Credit Unions 1989 Active

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