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AIRES Share Data Record Layout Specifications

AIRES Share Data Record Layout Specifications

Field Number Field Name Critical Fields Field Type & Length
1 Record Code CRITICAL A1
2 Account Number CRITICAL A20
3 Member's Name (Last, First, MI) CRITICAL A41
4 Mailing Address CRITICAL A30
7 Zip Code CRITICAL A9
8 "Other" Street Address Blank A30
9 Share Balance CRITICAL N14.2
10 Share Type Code CRITICAL A5
11 Social Security Number CRITICAL A12
12 Certificate Date Granted CRITICAL Date
13 Certificate Maturity Date CRITICAL Date
14 Dividend Rate CRITICAL N7.3
15 Date of Last Activity CRITICAL Date
16 Share Amount Frozen CRITICAL N14.2
17 Last Activity Code Blank A5
18 Accrued Dividend Interest Blank N14.2
19 Last File Maintenance Date Blank Date
20 Last File Maintenance User ID or Initials Blank A3

AIRES Share Data Field Descriptions


  1. Record Code - "S" for all types of member share deposits.
  2. Account Number - Account numbers must be unique. include the prefix or suffix code to identify multiple share deposits within one account number.
  3. Member's Name - Format must be "Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial."
  4. Mailing Address - Member’s address of record. “Number and Name of Street”, or “P.O. Box 4013.” for post office box are acceptable.
  5. City - City associated with the Mailing Street Address.
  6. State - State associated with the Mailing Street Address.
  7. Zip Code - Zip code and four-digit identifier associated with the Mailing Street Address. n if the four-digit extension is included.
  8. "Other" Street Address - Street address other than the mailing address. Format examples are: “Number and Name of Street”, or “P.O. Box 4013.” Different abbreviations for post office box are acceptable.
  9. Share Balance - Current share balance, signed with two decimal places.
  10. Share Type Code - System code to identify certificates, regular, draft, IRA, money market and other share deposit accounts. Please provide the credit union’s share type codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  11. Social Security Number - Primary depositor's Social Security Number or TIN Number. AIRES uses this number to identify individual members. Any unique, alphanumeric identifier within the 12-digit character limit can be used in lieu of the social security number. Multiple members with the same “dummy” TIN numbers, or members with no TIN numbers, are treated as the same member once imported into AIRES.
  12. Certificate Date Granted - Date member opened the share certificate account. Format date as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  13. Certificate Maturity Date - Date the share certificate will mature. Format date as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  14. Dividend Rate - Current dividend rate for each share account expressed as a percent to three decimal places.
  15. Date of Last Activity - Date of last deposit or withdrawal. Format date as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  16. Share Amount Frozen - Dollar amount of the account the member cannot access, signed with two decimal places.
  17. Last Activity Code - Identifies the type of account activity that occurred last by code. Please provide the credit union’s last activity codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  18. Accrued Dividend Interest - Dollar amount of accrued dividends, signed with two decimal places.
  19. Last File Maintenance Date - Last date of any non-financial modification to the account, e.g. change in dividend rate or member address.
  20. Last File Maintenance User ID or Initials - Approving official or employee’s transaction code or initials. Please provide the credit union’s codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.

AIRES Loan Data Record Layout Specifications

Field Number Field Name Critical Fields Field Type & Length
1 Record Code CRITICAL A1
2 Account Number CRITICAL A20
3 Member's Name (Last, First, MI) CRITICAL A41
4 Mailing Address CRITICAL A30
7 Zip Code CRITICAL A9
8 "Other" Street Address Blank A30
9 Loan Type Code CRITICAL A5
10 Payment Amount CRITICAL N14.2
11 Purpose Code CRITICAL A3
12 Loan Term CRITICAL A3
13 Payment Frequency Code CRITICAL A2
14 Date of Loan CRITICAL Date
15 Original Loan Amount CRITICAL N14.2
16 Interest Rate (APR) CRITICAL N7.3
17 Interest Rate (APR) Code Blank A3
18 Current Loan Balance CRITICAL N14.2
19 Date of Last Activity CRITICAL Date
20 Last Activity Code Blank A5
21 Next Payment Due Date CRITICAL Date
22 Accrued Interest CRITICAL N10.2
23 Credit Limit CRITICAL N14.2
24 Social Security Number CRITICAL A12
25 Days Delinquent CRITICAL N4
26 Delinquency Counter 30-59 Days Blank N3
27 Delinquency Counter 60-89 Days Blank N3
28 Delinquency Counter 90-119 Days Blank N3
29 Delinquency Counter 120 Days + Blank N3
30 Insider Codes Blank A2
31 Loan Officer/CC Initials Blank A3
32 Credit Score CRITICAL N3
33 Charge Off Amount Blank N15
34 Loan Risk Grade Blank A10
35 Number of Remaining Payments CRITICAL N3
36 Loan Collateral Code CRITICAL A5
37 Last File Maintenance Date Blank Date
38 Last File Maintenance User ID or Initials Blank A3
39 Branch Identity Blank A10

AIRES Loan Data Field Descriptions


  1. Record Code - "L" for all member loans.
  2. Account Number - Account numbers must be unique. Therefore, include the prefix or suffix code (for example the loan number) to identify multiple loans within one account number.
  3. Member's Name - Format must be "Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial."
  4. Mailing Address - Member’s address of record. Format examples are: “Number and Name of Street”, or “P.O. Box 4013.” Different abbreviations for post office box are acceptable.
  5. City - City associated with the Mailing Street Address.
  6. State - State associated with the Mailing Street Address.
  7. Zip Code - Zip code and four-digit identifier associated with the Mailing Street Address. Do not include a hyphen if the four-digit extension is included.
  8. "Other" Street Address - Street address other than the mailing address. Format examples are: “Number and Name of Street”, or “P.O. Box 4013.” Different abbreviations for post office box are acceptable.
  9. Loan Type Code - System code for loan type. Please provide the credit union’s loan type codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  10. Payment Amount - Amount of the scheduled payment, signed with two decimal places.
  11. Purpose Code - System code for loan purpose. Please provide the credit union’s loan purpose codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  12. Loan Term - Number of contractual payments required to amortize the loan from the date of origination.
  13. Payment Frequency Code - Frequency of contractual payments. Please provide the credit union’s payment frequency codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  14. Date of Loan - Date the loan was originally granted (closed-end loan), or most recent advance (open-end loan). Format date as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  15. Original Loan Amount - Original amount advanced for closed-end loans. Total outstanding balance after the last advance for open-end loans. Signed with two decimal places.
  16. Interest Rate (APR) - Current contractual annual percentage rate (APR) expressed as a percent (e.g. 12% = 12.000). Three decimal places.
  17. Interest Rate (APR) Code - Please provide the credit union’s interest rate codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  18. Current Loan Balance - Outstanding principal balance, signed with two decimal places.
  19. Date of Last Activity - Date of last payment. If the date of the last payment is not available, please provide the date of last activity along with the “last activity code.” Format date as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  20. Last Activity Code - Identifies the type of account activity that occurred last by code. Please provide the credit union’s last activity codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  21. Next Payment Due Date - Date the next contractual payment is due. Format as MM/DD/CCYY (Month/Day/Century Year).
  22. Accrued Interest - Total amount of interest due since the last payment, signed with two decimal places.
  23. Credit Limit - Contractual dollar amount approved for this loan.
  24. Social Security Number - Primary depositor's Social Security Number or TIN Number. AIRES uses this number to identify individual members. Any unique, alphanumeric identifier within the 12-digit character limit can be used in lieu of the social security number. Multiple members with the same “dummy” TIN numbers, or members with no TIN numbers, are treated as the same member once imported into AIRES.
  25. Days Delinquent - Number of days the loan is past due.
  26. Delinquency Counter 30-59 Days - Number of times a payment has been 30 to 59 days past due.
  27. Delinquency Counter 60-89 Days - Number of times a payment has been 60 to 89 days past due.
  28. Delinquency Counter 90-119 Days - Number of times a payment has been 90 to 119 days past due.
  29. Delinquency Counter 120 Days and Over - Number of times a payment has been over 120 days past due.
  30. Insider Codes - System codes used to identify directors, officials, employees and their family members. Please provide the credit union’s insider codes rather than mapping to previously used generic standard codes.
  31. Loan Officer / CC Initials - Approving official. Please provide the credit union’s loan officer/credit committee codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  32. Credit Score - Credit score (e.g. FICO or Beacon) obtained from a credit bureau used to underwrite the loan. If multiple bureau scores were used, provide the dominant score.
  33. Charge Off Amount - If the loan download contains charged off loans, amount of principal charged off the loan. Signed with two decimal places.
  34. Loan Risk Grade - The credit union’s internal loan risk grade, e.g. A, B, C, or D paper. Please provide the credit union’s loan risk grades rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  35. Number of Remaining Payments - The remaining contractual number of payments required by the note.
  36. Loan Collateral Code - System code for collateral type. Please provide the credit union’s loan collateral codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  37. Last File Maintenance Date - Last date of any non-financial modification to the account, e.g. interest rate change, loan due date, or member address.
  38. Last File Maintenance User ID or Initials - Approving official or employee’s transaction code or initials. Please provide the credit union’s codes rather than mapping to any previously used generic standard codes.
  39. Branch Identity - Identifies the originating service facility.

 Data Configuration Notes

  • All fields are <TAB> delimited with “Carriage Return/Line Feed” at the end of every record.
  • Field sizes are the maximum length for the field.
  • Numerical fields are sign-leading with explicit decimal points. The numerical notations in the charts above (such as N14.2) do not count the sign, but do count the decimal point. The number to the left of the decimal point is the total of the digits of number plus the decimal point. The number to the right of the decimal point is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, i.e. 123456.12 = N9.2.
  • Leading zeros are acceptable but not necessary.
  • All date fields are MM/DD/CCYY format.
  • Do not mix share and loan records within the same download file. Each file must contain only share or loan records. The download files may be split into multiple share and multiple loan files.
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