If a credit union placed into liquidation owes you money for a service or product provided, you may need to file a claim. Please note that members do not need to claim their share insurance.
To file a claim, all creditors must follow the steps below for funds owed to you by the liquidated credit union for a product, service, or lease.
- Confirm you are within the claims period. Search for the credit union on the Conservatorships and Liquidations page and select the credit union name to view the Creditor Notice. The deadline for filing claims is in the Creditor Notice.
- Complete a Proof of Claim Form. You may attach a separate document if additional space is needed.
- Attach documents that support the amount you are claiming. Examples include agreements, contracts, invoices, work orders, statements, etc.
- Submit the Proof of Claim Form and the attachments via one of the following methods:
Mail: Liquidating Agent
4807 Spicewood Springs Road, Suite 5100
Austin, TX 78759
Email: amacmail@ncua.gov
Additional information regarding creditor claims can be found in Title 12 of the United States Code at Section 1787(b)(3) and in Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations at Part 709.